...feels like home

Sermon Archives

Active filter: Series: James (x)
Preacher: Greg Strannigan (8), Cameron Miller (4), Adam Hall (1).
Date: January (5), February (4), March (4)
Healing Prayer
Preached by Greg Strannigan on March 26, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Patience in Suffering
Preached by Cameron Miller on March 19, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Rich Oppressors!
Preached by Adam Hall on March 12, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Life is Short
Preached by Greg Strannigan on March 5, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Man in the Mirror
Preached by Cameron Miller on February 26, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Godly and Human Wisdom
Preached by Greg Strannigan on February 19, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Taming the Tongue
Preached by Greg Strannigan on February 12, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Doers Of The Word
Preached by Cameron Miller on February 5, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Freedom From Prejudice
Preached by Greg Strannigan on January 29, 2023. (Part of the James series).
Controlling Anger
Preached by Greg Strannigan on January 22, 2023. (Part of the James series).

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