...feels like home

Sermon Archives

Active filter: Date: 2017 (x), July (x)
Preacher: Mike Johnston (1), Adam Hall (1), Bryan Watt/Kyle Brookhouse (1), Sean Thome (1), Tom Long (1).
Series: Standalone (3), Ecclesiastes (2).
The Beauty of Baptism
Preached by Mike Johnston on July 30, 2017. (Part of the Standalone series).
I AM or Am I?
Preached by Adam Hall on July 23, 2017. (Part of the Standalone series).
Relationships Matter - The Importance of Opportunity
Preached by Bryan Watt/Kyle Brookhouse on July 16, 2017. (Part of the Standalone series).
Ecclesiastes - Two Ways To Live - Remember God
Preached by Sean Thome on July 9, 2017. (Part of the Ecclesiastes series).
Ecclesiastes - Two Ways To Live - #Adulting
Preached by Tom Long on July 2, 2017. (Part of the Ecclesiastes series).

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